Venue & Lodging
Indiana University has secured a phenomenal room rate at one of the most elite hotels in Indianapolis. Rooms are $199 per night + tax and are only available at that rate by reserving through the JW Marriott link here.
- The JW Marriott is a short walk to all CENTRA 6 venues as well as downtown Indianapolis entertainment and nightlife.
- If you need a night outside of the room block, contact us so we can have the hotel add it for you. The JW Mariott will extend the meeting rate to three days before or three days after CENTRA 6.
- Free wifi is included.
- Self-park: $52/night or Valet: $57/night (subject to change).
- Register before AUGUST 23, 2023 to receive the special CENTRA 6 room rate.
To cancel or make changes to your hotel reservation return to the same. JW Marriott link above.
- If you live locally and are driving daily to the meetings, contact us regarding a parking pass to park near the meeting venue.
About Indianapolis, Indiana, the host city, state and Indiana University
IUPUI was established in 1969 and is Indiana’s premier urban research university offering more than 550 undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs from Indiana University and Purdue University. Among the many campuses of Indiana University, it is second in size only to the flagship campus of Indiana University - Bloomington. Located in downtown Indianapolis, IUPUI will be the site of CENTRA 6 meetings and activities. Indianapolis is the capital city and the economic and government center of Indiana. And IUPUI is located in the center of it all.
During your stay, an exciting transition will be taking place as IUPUI transforms into two separate institutions, Indiana University Indianapolis and Purdue University in Indianapolis. Read more about this historic agreement here. So as you make your way around Indianapolis, signs for IUPUI and IU Indianapolis refer to the same campus (where we will have the majority of our activities).
In Indianapolis you can dine at dusk on a patio where tonight’s entrée is made from local, farm-fresh ingredients. And make sure you stop by the International Marketplace where over 70 languages are spoken and you’ll find tasty fare from around the world. Find global premieres of a never-before-seen art exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Attend an outdoor concert at the Farm Bureau Insurance Lawn at White River State Park. Or spend some time on Mass Ave, which features five performing arts theaters.
Whether you’re traveling by foot, bicycle, bus, or car, you’ll always have access to one of Indianapolis’s six designated Cultural Districts — where you’ll encounter thriving pockets of international and local talent, music, and art.
Find relevant information about the city of Indianapolis.
Learn more about IUPUI.
The Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI) at Indiana University is the host organization for CENTRA 6 and the accompanying workshop. PTI is a locus for activity and collaboration beyond IU — serving as a point of contact for partners external to IU and a nucleus of new ideas within IU. The “Pervasive” in the name IU Pervasive Technology Institute reflects the foundational importance of computer science, informatics, cyberinfrastructure, and information technology research to most of what is done in academia and industry today.
PTI operates outreach and training activities which reaches thousands of people throughout IU and more than 100,000 people worldwide per year. PTI supports innovation within industries operating within IT. And PTI supports job growth in Indiana, bringing millions of dollars of federal grant funding to the state.
PTI serves as a way for faculty, researchers, librarians, IT professionals, students, humanists, and artists to collaborate to advance IU’s research, creative, and educational activities. PTI spans the spectrum of research, development, delivery, and support of new technologies in ways that cross collaborating units.
The Pervasive Technology Institute at IU is led by executive director, Beth Plale, and chief operating officer, Winona Snapp-Childs.
Facilities and Evening Excursions
Meeting spaces at IU Indianapolis (IUPUI) (open the MEETINGS + to view information about University Tower - Presidents Room and University Library)
The Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites is a statewide museum network with 12 locations across Indiana. You’ll find an incredible collection of artifacts (everything from mastodon bones to T.C. Steele paintings) and our state’s most culturally significant sites to tell larger stories around bigger themes. Whether you’re interested in art, architecture, history or science, we’ve got you covered. Come out and enjoy wide open spaces, explore three floors of fun at our downtown Indianapolis museum, and discover engaging online activities. Welcome to the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites.