CENTRA 2018 Registration
To register for PRAGMA / CENTRA Japan Meetings 2018, please visit: https://acislab.wufoo.com/forms/updated-pragmacentra-japan-meetings-2018/
Registration closing date: CENTRA 3 Registration will be fully closed soon. Please complete the online registration ASAP, no later than Monday, April 16th (by 11:55pm US EDT). Please note that PRAGMA 34 registration has been closed.
If you need to change information on a submitted registration or change your plan, please contact PRAGMA / CENTRA Japan Meetings 2018 organizing team by sending an e-mail to both gshong@ufl.edu and pragma_centra@ml.nict.go.jp no later than 17:00, May 1st JST.
Important notes:
(1) PRAGMA 34 Workshop and CENTRA 3 Meeting: Smart Cyberinfrastructure for Transnational Science are held at different locations. PRAGMA 34 will be held at Akihabara Convention Hall near JR Akihabara Station, and CENTRA 3 Meeting: Smart Cyberinfrastructure for Transnational Science will be held at AP Tokyo Marunouchi near JR Tokyo Station. It takes about 4 minutes from JR Akihabara Station to JR Tokyo Station on the JR Yamanote Line.
(2) While morning program of May 16 (CENTRA 3 Post-Workshop) and that of May 9 (PRAGMA 34 Pre-Workshop) are different, please expect the afternoon program is the same - touring ABCI facility, on both days. AIST organizers suggest you choose one day to join, i.e. if you are a PRAGMA 34 participant and plan to attend PRAGMA 34 ABCI Pre-Workshp on May 9, it is not necessary to attend CENTRA 3 ABCI Post-Workshop on May 16.
(3) Profile picture: please prepare a few words about what you do and your profile picture ready for upload before you proceed to the registration page.
(4) We are hoping to help you identify both attendees and expertise quickly by including a brief introduction about yourself and a profile picture in the participant list in the CENTRA 3 e-program book on this website, in addition to a limited number of printed copies at the meeting. Please note that due to the production schedule, we are unable to include the information of those who register after March 30 in the participant list in the program book.
- May 9: Pre-workshop (ABCI visit) and Welcome Reception
- May 10-11: PRAGMA 34
- May 12: Engaging International Partners in Collaborative Education
CENTRA 3 Meeting: Smart Cyberinfrastructure for Transnational Science (Marunouchi district, Tokyo)
- May 14-15: CENTRA 3 Meeting (Welcome Reception on May 14)
- May 16: CENTRA 3 Post-Workshop ABCI (AIST) visit (Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi)
ASEAN IVO Software Defined System on Disaster Mitigation and Smart Cities Meeting
- May 14-15: ASEAN IVO Meeting (Members only)
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at pragma_centra@ml.nict.go.jp.